Tabling @ the East Hollywood Farmer's Market


The election is a ways off, but as a community campaign we need to hit the ground early and start talking to our neighbors about Hugo and what this campaign will do in office.

Tabling pro already? Great! Never tabled before? Awesome! No matter your experience with tabling, we'll pair you with someone experienced who will train you and make the experience fun. So sign up for a shift and let's go talk to our neighbors!

We need 2-3 people to sign up for a 3 hour shift from 3:30pm - 6:30pm.

COVID Protocol:

If you are feeling sick or exhibiting any of the known symptoms of COVID-19 and its variants, let the organizer know and please stay at home and rest!

As we enter this next surge, we will adapt our field events to keep everyone as safe as possible. We will take care of each other and the broader CD13 community. 

If you have not been vaxxed and/or boosted, please do so if possible. All our staff will be fully vaxxed + boosted. 

You must wear a mask at all times during training and canvassing. For maximum protection, please wear a high quality mask — N95, KN95, KF94 are strongly advised. Some research suggests the omicron variant evades cloth masks. The campaign will try its best to provide these masks to you when possible, but if you are able to procure your own, please do so. We will also be ordering reusable eye protection for our canvassers.