Tea Ceremony 2022 ~ Virtual


Don Reed Simmons has led many Meditative Tea Ceremonies for a Beginning of the Year Intention setting. Join this Virtual event as he lays out the elabrate offering of Tea and the power of Mindfulness.

The Tea Ceremony offers people a chance to taste and appreciate the beauties of tea. Drinking tea is actually a spiritual enjoyment, an art or a means of cultivating people’s moral character and nourishing the nature.” Generally, the basic four spirits of Chinese Tea Ceremony are honor, beauty, harmony and respect, which means to honor everything around you, appreciate the beauty of the nature, pursue harmony and respect people and life.

PLEASE BRING: Your own favorite tea with a seperate cup of hot water. Two or 3 snacks like a cookie, a piece of cheese or fruit. A cloth napkin, dampened on one corner.

Below is the image from Tea Ceremony 2014 - serving 40 attendees.

Tea Ceremony 2022 ~ Virtual image