Terrific Tuesday ~ Happy Hour ~ Zoom


T E R R I F I C _ T U E S D A Y :

You are invited! Join Bob, your host and 30 guests from PBSN and 5 Meetups. The Main Room opens at 7:00pm. Join us anytime. Stay as long as you wish during this two hour Terrific Tuesday happy hour.

We will chat on numerous topics that you can suggest and vote on. There will be several rooms with different topics throughout the nite.

We expect a wonderful crowd, like our past zoom events.


T I C K E T S :

Eventbrite Ticket is Required.


The ZOOM Meeting Link, ID and Passcode are on the last pages of your Eventbrite ticket confirmation and receipt email.


W H O _ W I L L _ B E _ T H E R E :

We are "No Ordinary Birds" … college degreed, business owners, executives, business managers, entrepreneurs and community leaders.

New faces welcome. Attendance may not be gender balanced. Please join us if you have a sense of humor, a generous spirit, and an overall positive attitude.


W H A T _ D O _ Y O U _ N E E D :

A laptop / smart phone / tablet / desktop with a working mic and video cam. For a better experience, a laptop or desktop is suggested for a larger viewing area.

Please install the latest version of the ZOOM app for your device.


T E R M S _ A N D _ C O N D I T I O N S :



C O N T A C T _ U S :

610-348-5544 ~ PBSN@aol.com ~ www.PBSNinfo.com

Professional and Business Singles Network, Ltd. PBSN

dba Professional and Business Social Network, PBSN