The Berkshire Sound Therapists in Concert


Join The Berkshire Therapists and their special guests as they play their original music with vocals, guitar, crystal bowls, gong, djembe and violin. Herbal tea will be provided.

**All proceeds from this event will go to charity Vsi Razom - Ukraine Community Hub**

WHERE: Charlotte Pratt Memorial Hall, Winkfield Row, Bracknell. There is parking outside this venue.

PLEASE BRING: Cushion/pillow to sit on if you wish. Chairs will be available.

COST: £10

EVENTBRITE ORDER CONFIRMATION: Your email confirmation might go into your spam folder. Please check. Full refunds will be issues if for any reason the class has to be cancelled.

ABOUT THE BERKSHIRE SOUND THERAPISTS:Alison from Just BE Sound and Movement Therapy: Just BE Sound and Movement Therapy is run by Alison Heaslewood who qualified in Sound and Movement Therapy with the British Academy of Sound Therapy. Following a five year episode of chronic pain in her twenties and a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, she turned to alternative methods of healing, including Sound Therapy. Along with sound, movement was instrumental in her full recovery and as well as offering sound journeys, she holds separate sessions to weave sound and movement together. With five years vocal training she enjoys bringing soothing vocals into her sound sessions along with other percussion. She creates nurturing and relaxing spaces for anyone seeking a space to Just BE.Monica from Luna Sound and Energy:Monica is a Gong Master Practitioner and Usui & Karuna Reiki Master. She’s also qualified in Reiki drumming, Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls and Aura & Chakra balancing. She’s passionate about sharing the sound and loves mixing sonic practices with energy therapies. She believes sound is transformative and can help with anxiety, insomnia and depression amongst other things.


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The Berkshire Sound Therapists in Concert image
The Berkshire Sound Therapists in Concert image