The coming IT consulting battle


India-centric vendors, hyperscalers and tech-heavy IT services vendors are all trying to enter the consulting space, but we believe they will fail. Why?

Join Principal Analyst Bozhidar Hristov, Senior Analyst Elitsa Bakalova, Senior Analyst Kelly Lesiczka, Analyst John Croll and Senior Analyst Kevin Collupy for an in-depth look at consulting across the IT services spectrum.

In this FREE webinar you’ll learn:

  • How some India-centric IT services vendors have expanded their consulting capabilities as their core businesses evolve toward digital transformation engagements
  • Why the three hyperscalers — Amazon Web Services, Microsoft and Google — have invested in their professional services practices, encroaching on their IT services and management consulting partners
  • What challenges and barriers prevent tech-heavy IT services vendors from growing their consulting practices and what strategies those vendors will likely pursue

TBR webinars are held typically on Thursdays at 1 p.m. ET and include a 15-minute Q&A session following the main presentation. Previous webinars can be viewed anytime on TBR’s Webinar Portal.