
The DEEP SLEEP session

Dr Liz Sparkes & The Ives

Proceeds to WE:ARE - Domestic abuse awareness and recovery. A charity that works so hard and is full of heart.

A natural 'dreamer' oil delivered to your doorstep ( Magnesium sleep roller ball. Perfect at bedtime. Helpful with issues including sleep, migraine, PMS and anxiety. Easy to apply and soaks in with ease. Use the oil whilst listening to an hour of relaxing crystal and Tibetan bowls, with guided heart-based meditation.

After a busy or stressful week, it can be hard switching off...Unwind with this relaxing ritual from the comfort of your own home.

Create yourself a sanctuary, use the sleep oil that will be sent out before the deep sleep session. Then let go and let the meditation session work its magic.

The DEEP SLEEP session image
The DEEP SLEEP session image
The DEEP SLEEP session image