
The Divine Womb 🌹🌹🌹

Women who have birthed children may have a sense of touching the divine through the deeply natural flowering of Life through conception, gestation and birthing. Even women who have not birthed children have a sense of the mystical coming alive through the sacred right of passage of birthing a soul from the un-manifest of spirit into the manifest realms of existence on the earth realm through the portal of their wombs.

It takes us beyond time, beyond space, even beyond dimensions to touch a reality that words cannot sincerely and truthfully describe. Yet it can be consciously known through the experience of transmission by immersing into the deeper womb realms in our bodies to surrender to being touched by the divine in this most life-giving and ineffable way.

Our wombs not only birth our humanity onto the earth plane, our wombs are a gateway to the depth of our sensitivity to touch life at its Source, …. its the gateway to our seat of compassion for all of life and to our love for the deepest truth that births from the natural world.

This path of deep spiritual surrender to touch, to be touched by and birth the divine is the calling to the Divine Womb.

The Divine Womb is not a mystical miracle for the chosen few, all women have the template for it, it is our birthright as feminine embodied souls. It’s the deepest and most intimate spiritual surrender a woman can undertake, a rite of passage for divine union with the very soul of life, ecstatic communion, …. and the most sacred gift to life here on the earth plane for the sake of all of life.

So this activity of awakening the template of our wombs to be able to receive Divine consciousness and birth it into life for humanity is a communal activity that has been happening in feminine mystery schools thru the eons of time. Through the ages various cultures like the Essenes, the Druids and the Cathars have also sanctified womb practices as the foundation of their spiritual practice in their devotion to the Divine feminine as the source of Creation…. Both men and women coming together in reverence and devotion to create a collective womb field to enable the preparation of the womb templates for conscious conception, conscious gestation and conscious birthing to bring through the divine consciousness in human form.

The Divine Womb is the most sacred of all sacred holy vessels through all realms of creation. It is a sacred container of the direct transmission of the purity of love that is the Divine Feminine, the Great Mother herself. She who births all of existence through the purity and immensity of Her Divine Dark Womb of love for the sake of all of life.

She births love through every realm of existence.

She births Life, pure life energy in its most organic form thru these realms.

Through the Cosmos, through the elemental realms and through the wombs of women.

Through our devotion to Her, an alchemical magic unfolds in our body field.

Our wombs are lit up, they come ablaze with divine consciousness …. with the deepest flowering of life energy streaming directly and adoringly from the Mothers heart.

This natural flowering of life from the sacred harmony of Creation is what creates the Divine Womb.

It cannot be willed or commanded from any agenda other than the deepest love and reverence for the Soul of Life through the heart-womb of the Mother.

If you allow yourself to rest open in this moment you may even feel a stirring from deep within the waters of your womb. Whether a conscious or an unconscious stirring, it’s a knowing of this ancient power sourced in the very cells of your being. This is the calling to restore and reclaim the divine sovereignty of your womb for the sake of all women… past, present and future generations of women to come.

With grace and humility this is a calling to all women at this time, not just women who are birthing… it’s calling to all women, a calling to restore the embodied consciousness of our wombs. Not as an ideology or a concept but as an embodied truth of our divine source felt and experienced beyond doubt in our earth bodies.

I am Bonita, Mystic Soul Guide …. and I am accompanied by my beautiful and intuitively gifted soul sister, Olga Maria Emslie for this sacred and holy journey of awakening our divine womb templates together.

We welcome you to travel deeply with an open heart through the three gestations on offer.

A small and intimate group of committed women, supporting one another to travel deeply and honourably into our wombs to embody this ancient right of passage……

to immerse ourselves deeply into the ineffable majesty of our Divine womb.

Connecting heart to heart, soul to soul and womb to womb.

The offering includes 3 gestations.


PREPARING OUR WOMB TEMPLATES THROUGH THE WOMB OF MOTHER EARTH- Cultivating the transmission of our divine tone

Saturday 13 August 2pm - 6pm


IMMERSING INTO THE WOMB WATERS OF THE OCEANIC WOMB OF LIFE- Cultivating the transmission of our divine frequency

Sunday 28 August 2pm - 6pm


RESTING IN THE COSMIC HEART-WOMB OF THE MOTHER - Aligning as Sacred Geometry in Her primordial dark skies creating a collective womb force-field.

Sunday 18 September 2pm-6pm

COST - $345 for the 3 offerings

-$120 per offering if purchased individually

LOCATION- in person and online

Secrets from the Honey Tree, 101 Memorial Drive, Eumundi QLD

or attendance on Zoom. Even if you can’t be present you can work with the replay later.

A recording of the transmission of each gestation will be sent to all participants to continue their journey of deepening into their womb template.

BONITA WOOLF….. I am a qualified Womb Guide at THE HEALING WOMB, passionate about supporting women to heal and awaken to their deeper sacred nature. I teach the fundamentals of womb healing as a self-healing process including embodiment practices to nourish your body energetically through the cultivation of Shakti.

In addition I offer one on one InUtero healing to heal our entry into this realm, healing energetically from sexual violation, healing ancestral bloodlines, preparing your womb for conception, preparing energetically for birthing, healing after miscarriage or termination of pregnancy…. all sessions being entry points, gateways for healing and restoring the sovereignty of our feminine soul at this time.


I am Olga an intuitive energy healer, passionate about supporting women and children in the mother-child energy for grounding and connection.

I am an Author, Educator and artist. My intuition, creativity and qualifications as an Angelic Reiki Master, Chakra Mindset, NLP and sacred geometry are the foundations for bringing together the mother-child energy to deepen into these realms. Honouring and acknowledging the power and wisdom birthed from the depth of our wombs, creating mindful moments of clarity and a deeper alignment of truth and connection between mother and child.

Sacred geometry is the design of all underlying patterns behind everything in creation. It reveals itself in a non- linear and interdimensional way, bypassing the rational mind, a reminiscence and reconnection to our divine design. This underlying pattern Is part of my intuitive approach when holding sacred space for all Divine souls.

My book Juxtapose was inspired by sacred geometry and the seven chakras. It has been energetically and intuitively crafted. Allowing for a gentle deepening and reflection time for the mother,parent or carer, opening space for a more profound and higher vibrational point of view, gifting each other time, wisdom and connection.

I wish to share my intuitive calling and extend it to all women to be inspired to search for a clearer, aligned path towards their sacred feminine power, innate wisdom and truth, the reverence and immensity of each woman’s sacred womb and all the wisdom that is birthed from that powerful place.

I honour and respect the truth our body brings through the portal of our womb, where what we experience is alchemised into the consciousness of our womb, the love of the Great Mother.


 Please forward any questions to Bonita on 0419416515