The Entrepreneurs Alliance - Jan Event - Story Telling for Your Business


How do your market in 2022?

The world keeps changing, but the need to market your business effectively isn't going away... in fact it's more important than ever. But how you market your business has definitely changed - you need to become a storyteller.

The Entrepreneurs Alliance is happy to host entrepreneur Stephen Heiner who will share his insights and experience with content marketing... and an update on his experience on being an American entrepreneur in Paris.

"Content Marketing is the only marketing left...!"

Seth Godin said those words more than a decade ago and it's even more true today. Your customers aren't interested in hearing about how awesome you are and why they should use your services. They want to know about what you do, how you do it, and why they should care.

The good news is that social media makes this even easier, by letting you tell your story about your business in whatever format you would like: video, audio, text, photo, etc.

Learn practical ways you can start storytelling about your business starting tomorrow and what that means for you in the world of SEO, authority, and opportunity. You'll leave the talk with actual ideas and templates you can apply immediately.

We'll be meeting at Apex Busines Advisors and we'll start with networking, along with beverages and appetizers. Stephen will start around 4:30 and we'll leave plenty of time for questions and more networking before we wrap up at 6:00.

We'd Love to See You There

It's hard to believe it's January 2022 - but time marches on and this will be a great opportunity to kick the new year off in the best possible way - by meeting great people and learning great ideas that will help you and your business.

Join us - we'd love to see you.

The Entrepreneurs Alliance - Jan Event - Story Telling for Your Business image