The Master's Footsteps: Initiation and the Ladder to Enlightenment


Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. CDT, March 7 – March 28 (4 classes)

Spiritual initiations are the milestones of development upon the ladder of evolution, and each can be viewed as a portal leading to enlightenment. Each initiation indicates the soul has taken a measure of control over some facet of the personality (ego). They are known and proven markers of spiritual attainment toward becoming a Master of Wisdom. It is therefore true to say that initiations represent The Master’s Footsteps, pointing the way toward liberation.

In this course, William Meader will closely consider the steps to be taken when on the Path of Initiation. He will deeply examine each of the initiations and the changes in consciousness that they entail. The goal of this course is to deepen your understanding of the ladder of evolution, as well as your place upon it. Below are some of the additional topics that will be explored. We hope you can join us.

Additional topics include:

• The measures of consciousness that determine readiness for initiation

• Applying the Rod of Initiation upon the human causal body (soul vehicle)

• Clues as to which rung of the evolutionary ladder we stand upon

• Methods designed to transform the personality in preparation for initiation

Registration includes on-demand access to recordings of all of the classes, which can be viewed for two weeks following the date of the last class.

Late registrants will receive recording links to all missed sessions for on-demand viewing.

William Meader is one of the most influential and respected international teachers of esoteric philosophy. With his gentle humor, sensitivity, and deep understanding of the spiritual path, he provides a diverse array of workshops and lectures. Author of Shine Forth: The Soul's Magical Destiny, William has also published numerous articles on all aspects of spirituality. Visit for more.

Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program that will also be recorded for on-demand viewing. Our goal is to send recordings to you within two business days, often sooner. Recordings will be available for on-demand viewing for two weeks following the date of the last class.

Software Platform

Zoom for Windows, Mac, or mobile device; minimum recommended network bandwidth 1.5 Mbps. Please download Zoom for free at, and test your connection at New to Zoom? Check out Please email for further information.