The Media and Us: Midday Plenary on Critical Pedagogy


City Lights in conjunction with Project Censored and the Media Revolution Collective present

Midday Plenary on Critical Pedagogy

Critical thinking is integral to a critical media literacy framework. Understanding logical fallacies and cognitive biases helps us not only detect propaganda and disinformation, but also assists in determining the validity of our own beliefs and positions. Applying this analytical process to media and media impacts on society is key to becoming a critically media literate citizen.

Mickey Huff moderates a conversation with the Collective on CML pedagogy as activism

This event is part of the day-long symposium style event The Media and Us: Critical Media Literacy and Engaged Politics comprised of seven sessions aimed to explore critical media literacy.

At a time when pundits and politicians alike promote fearful understandings of “fake news” and the negative impacts of social media, this symposium aims to provide participants with the skills to resist the lures of sensational disinformation and omnipresent advertising. Drawing on their decades of teaching experience, the speakers will introduce key ideas to critical media literacy, urging us to look beneath the surface and beyond the screens in order to create an honest, accurate, brighter, and more inclusive future. With engaging hands-on exercises readers learn to question, critique, and talk back to biased messaging, both subtle and overt, that the media feed them daily. Critical media literacy becomes a call to action, urging all of us to engage with the media landscape and become a well-informed citizenry.

All sessions are free but require registration. Visit the City Lights event calendar at this link to learn more:

This event has been made possible by the support of the City Lights Foundation. To learn more visit: