THE SHOW - SOLE Speaker Series


With the help of the NZ Music Commission, SOLE has put together a brand new music business speaker and mentoring series to support emerging Canterbury artists and upcoming music professionals.

THE SHOW is the final music seminars of the SOLE Speaker Series for 2021, where special guest speakers will cover everything you need to know about how to make and release your music successfully.

So, your music is out! Congrats! Now how do you book your tour, get booked on festivals, or signed to a booking agency?

Hear 3 of New Zealand’s key music industry figures talk you through the process of putting your show together, what you need to do to get your music on tour and booked to perform at national and international festivals.

LOOP Label owner and respected manager Mikee Tucker (L.A.B., Fly My Pretties, Ria Hall); Jaz Kapow, owner of Auckland's premier Management & Booking Agency ‘Twice The Hype’ and Cary Caldwell owner of ‘212 Music Group’ tour management company, who until recently worked for SXSW - the entry door into being booked in America.

There will be a Q&A with the speakers and the opportunity to network with other attendees & speakers afterwards.


Come and listen to music industry professionals talk about everything you need to know about how to make and release your music successfully.


Haven’t heard enough? During this series we offer you the rare opportunity of booking in a 1:1 mentoring session with one of our guest speakers so you can delve further into your own music goals and plans to establish or develop your own music business.

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