The Thriving Family


Do you want to connect more deeply with the people you love most?

Do you want to communicate with your kids without feeling frustrated?

Wouldn't it be great to feel supported and understood by those closest to you?

If you answered "yes!" to any of these questions, then our Thriving Family class is for you! Gather the family and learn tips and tools to create a more peaceful, supportive, and connected home life!

This six-week class is held virtually every Tuesday from 5 pm - 6 pm PST. Registration required.

You do not need to attend every class in order to participate.

Class One: Personality Assessment-4 Lenses and Personality Temperament Exploration

Understanding the values of different personalities and how to effectively communicate.

Class Two: Expand on Parenting Styles and Goals based on Personality and Effective Communication

Parent's ability to create goals based on their values and overall wants for their children

Class Three: Communication Strategies

Teens and Parents learn to create and utilize effective communication strategies for clarity, understanding, and creation of common goals.

Class Four: Effective Discipline

Creating disciple that reflects the values, needs, and overall benefit of the family dynamic.

Class Five: Relationship Building

Trust, Truth, and Resolution Exercises

Class Six: Sexual Health and Awareness

Body safety, consent, parental guidance, and youth understanding of sexual health needs and sexual awareness.

The Thriving Family image
The Thriving Family image