The Unapologetic Empire Support Group


The Unapologetic Empire is a free virtual support group for women healing from codependency, people pleasing, relationship trauma, and religious trauma. We host meetings five days a week, with five different facilitators who are survivors of abusive relationships.

If you or someone you know:

Has a hard time saying the word “no”

Feels guilty for denying access to your time or resources

Often has an uncontrollable urge to “help” and “fix” others’ problems

Feels a huge sense of responsibility when others’ experience pain/discomfort

Struggles to feel at peace when someone else is experiencing a negative emotion

Makes excuses for others’ unacceptable or abusive behavior

Is devastated when rejected or criticized by others

Has difficulty trusting themselves and their decisions

Is self-critical and perfectionistic

Feels incapable of providing for herself financially/materially

Prefers to be protected by someone else in order to avoid the responsibility of protecting herself

Feels unworthy and unlovable when relationships don’t work out

Is a sucker for love-bombing, words of commitment, and displays of generosity

Then The Unapologetic Empire is for YOU.

Shall we get to work?

Learn more here: