The Unapologetic Empire Support Group - Shea Toasten


The Unapologetic Empire is a free virtual support group for women recovering from people pleasing, codependency, and self-betrayal. We host meetings five days a week, with five different facilitators who are survivors of damaging relationship ideology.

For more information about The Unapologetic Empire, please visit

For a schedule of our support group meetings, please visit:

More Information About This Meeting:


Shea is the owner and founder of Pretty Girl Passion Society (PGPS), an affiliate of Mental Health America. Through PGPS, Shea provides unique approaches to peer support, advocacy, and mental health awareness for a diverse community of women who lack access to services because they are underinsured or decline access to services because of stigma. Shea has a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services and is a certified Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Advocate. With over 15 years of case management experience in social services, she has added a personal touch to her work as a Peer Support Specialist.

Personal Experience:

Shea is a survivor of domestic abuse, religious trauma, sexual abuse, depression, and family alienation. She spent the better part of her life hiding as a victim and focused on helping others identify traps that kept her tied up in a double life. After she was diagnosed with a chronic health condition in 2016, she decided that life was too short to live as anyone other than her authentic self. Finding herself alone with two minor children in the home, at the time, and no real support from friends or family, she decided to be her own strength. She accessed confidence to break free and found herself homeless before finally relocating to a new state and building a foundation of self love that would manifest a life of happiness she thought was not possible before.

Shea's Goddess Circle:

Shea’s style is nurturing, but direct. Her Goddess Circle is for all of the pretty girls! The girls who were pretty smart, pretty good, pretty strong, but never measured up. Pretty was a word that meant almost in Shea’s world and you know what they say…almost doesn’t count! Shea’s Goddess Circle is a good fit for those who are ready to love themselves without guilt, despite traditions, religious experience, and diagnosis. Be ready for a little humor as we explore aspects of wellness to keep balanced when the world around us is feeling a little shaky.

Complete the screening to join here:

The Unapologetic Empire Support Group - Shea Toasten image