
THINK GITA shares a universal spirituality that you don’t learn in school – it’s profound but practical, rooted in tradition but strikingly relevant. This dynamic community is the go-to place for exploring the Bhagavad-gita in a powerful, exciting and life-changing way. In a world that’s suffocating from materialism, THINK GITA is dedicated to delivering wisdom that breathes.

The course is a real beginners guide to Bhagavad Gita and will give you a breakdown of each chaper that will can takeaway and apply to your daily life.

Modern educational systems tell us what to think, but this wisdom empowers us in re-learning how to think. Through courses, coaching, and community, get ready to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery.

Join us Thursday 13th October 830-930pm . We take you on a guided tour of what is to come and explore the eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad-gita. The course will give you the paradigm-shifting principles which redefine success and revive purpose.

The popular THINK GITA course will run Tuesday ( guided meditation and group reading) and Thursday (seminar breakdown of the chapter)

Join us for an exciting journey to Think Different. Think Deeper. THINK GITA