Transcending Victim Consciousness - Level II: The Reality Diamond


*Looking for Part I? Click here for Part I: The Victim Triangle

During this two hour class with Lynne Forrest as your guide, you will learn to recognize when you (and others) are in victim and become better at accessing a calmer perspective that leads to another way of seeing your life.

You will learn how to respond as a witness to life rather than reacting blindly to it. You can begin to apply the Reality Formula and recognize the correlation between your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. This allows you to stop being at the mercy of fear and anger and allow love to guide you instead.

What you'll learn:

  • Discover the Reality Diamond
  • Recognize its purpose in the self-actualization process
  • Learn to apply the Reality Formula to gain higher perspective
  • Become familiar with Observer Consciousness as an alternative to the Victim Triangle
  • Experience a paradigm shift in the way you see the world

Q & A

Does everyone experience victim consciousness?

Yes. All humans are set up to experience themselves as being at the mercy of life, and to look for a problem and assign blame. This is the definition of victim consciousness.

What is the Reality Diamond?

The Reality Diamond is a diagram that illustrates two distinct states of consciousness available to most humans; victim consciousness and Observer Consciousness.

Is there an alternative to the Victim Triangle?

Yes. Observer Consciousness is the fourth position that expands the victim triangle, adding a positive alternative that turns the triangle into a diamond.

What is Observer Consciousness?

Observer Consciousness allows us to witness our thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Seeing through the eyes of Observer Consciousness encourages us to question negative perspectives, and allows us to access greater understanding, self-acceptance, forgiveness, and inner peace with ourselves, and with the world.

Transcending Victim Consciousness - Level II: The Reality Diamond image