Tuesday Morning Godly Play / Parents' Morning Out


Preschoolers are invited to join us Tuesday mornings 8:30-11:00am to hear a Godly Play story, learn songs, and have playtime with their friends. The emphasis on Godly Play distinguishes the program from other playgroups or co-ops. Godly Play is an imaginative, Montessori-based approach to nurturing the Christian faith. Using symbols and objects as well as words, Godly Play stories value openness and discovery rather than rewarding correct answers. The culture of the Godly Play room encourages generosity and calm.

The Episcopal Parish of St. Mark and St. Paul on the Mountain (formerly Otey Memorial Parish) offers this program at no cost to parents. Jeannie Babb serves as leader and storyteller, with parents taking turns to serve as a volunteer. Children should be at least 18 months, up to 4 years. If you have questions, please contact Jeannie at formation@stmarkstpaul.org or 423-255-6479. Text is a great way to reach me!