Turn Up the Pink Cocktail Party


October is breast cancer awareness month and 2022 will be the kickoff of the Thriving Tatas, my organization aimed at providing support, education, and unique self-care experiences for women who are affected by breast cancer . Breast cancer isn’t just physically challenging, but it can also take an emotional toll on a woman. And, although we cannot take away what those of us are going thru, we can help them relax and pamper them at least one day with a spa outing, fine dining, and other ways that provide self-care and a moment to forget about cancer. We want our survivor sisters to thrive, not just survive, and giving in this way is how we aim to do that. This Turn Up the Pink cocktail party will be a yearly event that we will host to raise funds for our cause. Please join us for a great cause! Dress up in your dapper, fresh, and fabulous looks for a fun night!