Vegans, Vegetarians, & Vitamins: Get Your Daily Dose of B12 and Vitamin D


You decided to go vegan. Yay! 

But, when you stop eating certain foods, you miss out on nutrients like B12, Zinc, Vitamin D and a lot more! Although living a vegan lifestyle is great in some areas, the lack of these vitamins could be damaging long term.

If you have ever searched on Google for things like...

I'm I really need to take vitamins?

What vitamins are hard for vegans to get?

Best supplements for a vegan diet?

What's the best vitamin for vegans?

The best multivitamin for men or women?

What's the best way to get your vitamin B12? Vitamin D?

Or if you're curious about all of the above...

The Vegans, Vegetarians, and Vitamins event is for you!

During Vegans and Vitamins, you'll learn the #1 Way to Get Your Daily Dose of B12 and Vitamin D in 5 seconds and just ONE Drink a day!

+ know the different types of multivitamins and supplements and how to choose the best one for you

+ learn the #1best and tasty way to make up the vital nutrients your body misses

+ have a printable download of the top 20 vitamins that we all need every day, where to get them, and the benefits they have for our body

Tell a vegan that you know to join you!

Who am I?

Hi! I'm Tamasia! I got started in wellness because of my own personal transformation of going from 245 lbs to 167 lbs. I got super excited and passionate about it so I dedicated my life to it! For the past 5 years, I have been guiding women to lift weights, lose weight, keep it off, and make a lifestyle of living well.

I was introduced to Tava Lifestyle's supplements and was immediately impressed with their quality and how many people are missing vital nutrients in their bodies every day. I got super passionate about wanting people to feel their best and be able to live life to the fullest so I became a distributor with Tava and continue to educate people about the impact and importance of vitamins.

In addition to The Live Well Sisterhood, the Vegans, Vegetarians, & Vitamins program is my way to make taking a multivitamin, something that's not regarded as fun, fun, and a part of people's lifestyle.

I'm looking forward to hearing how what you learn and the solutions offered to impact your life for the better!

Have a question? Send me an email at

Vegans, Vegetarians, & Vitamins:  Get Your Daily Dose of B12 and Vitamin D image
Vegans, Vegetarians, & Vitamins:  Get Your Daily Dose of B12 and Vitamin D image
Vegans, Vegetarians, & Vitamins:  Get Your Daily Dose of B12 and Vitamin D image