Veteran Business Resiliency Accelerator (VBRA) - Health Awareness Session 6


A Taste of African Heritage (ATOAH) is a six-session cooking and nutrition program based on healthy plant foods from different areas of African. It brings to light a culinary legacy and often-unsung cultural ownership of healthy eating for people of African descent. The African Heritage Diet Pyramid is based on scientific research that shows eating like your ancestors can help lower your risk of chronic disease, achieve a healthy weight, and promote overall well-being. Join Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension Program's Family & Community Health County Extension Agent and our Veteran Business Resiliency Accelerator (VBRA) Cohorts each Tuesday and Thursday over the next three weeks from 12 NOON -1:00 PM(CST) for live food preps demonstrations on ways to help control "entrepreneur stress" through healthy meal prep. Generous funding from this program provided from LifFund's Women Veteran Entrepreneurship Program (WVETP) and United Way Tarrant County Mission Union. A list of meal plan ingredients will be sent prior to the webinar for you to join in the live demonstrations from your home or workplace!

Veteran Business Resiliency Accelerator (VBRA) - Health Awareness Session 6 image
Veteran Business Resiliency Accelerator (VBRA) - Health Awareness Session 6 image