Virtual Town Hall with Paul Lott, Candidate , Virginia 10th Congressional


Mr. Lott, a atrong conservative voice, is a well known education reform advocate who has spent the last 2 years fighting against Critical Race Theory and advocating for Parents' Rights in education on a national level.

Mr. Lott is a 13 year Army veteran, husband and father of 10 children (4 boys, 6 girls). Mr. Lott is also a published author, former pastor, and founder of the National Society for the Advancement of Black Americans. He is also leads the coalition, a group that drafts and pushed parent's rights and anti-CRT legislation. He is a national speaker that has been fighting for parents' rights and against race-based education in public schools.

Mr. Lott decided to run for congress to defend parents rights to make all decisions about what is best for their children, lead significant reform efforts on education at a national level, and lead the fight against government overreach and interference into the private lives of Americans.

Mr. Lott is pro-life, pro 2nd Amendment, pro-family, pro-parent. He believes in limited smart government, a strong defense, free market principles, and absolute American energy independence.

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Virtual Town Hall with Paul Lott, Candidate , Virginia 10th Congressional image
Virtual Town Hall with Paul Lott, Candidate , Virginia 10th Congressional image
Virtual Town Hall with Paul Lott, Candidate , Virginia 10th Congressional image
Virtual Town Hall with Paul Lott, Candidate , Virginia 10th Congressional image