
Wet on Wet Oil Painting Workshop

Wet on Wet watercolor approach is considered the most crucial and difficult skill of watercolor. We intend to demonstrate different washes while doing a simple landscape

Let's experience the essence of art together. Join us for the Wet on Wet Oil Painting Workshop

by Rooftop! (@rooftop_app)

Date: 16th june

Time: 5:00 PM

Venue: Online Workshop over Zoom App

Price: Free for all

Material Required:

1. Canvas - 8 x 10 inches or smaller

2. Oil colors (white, yellow, black, red, blue, ochre) ,

3. Brushes ( 3-4 no. Round and flat, 0 fine liner, big size brush for background),

4. Pallete knife for mixing.

5. Pallet, rag (rough cloth),

6. Linseed oil or any other mixing oil (liquin gel if available),

7. Turpentine oil to clean your brushes.

P.S. No entries will be accepted after 3:00 PM on the day of the workshop.

See you!