What I Wish My Cis Provider Knew: SPECIAL - Working w/Parents of Trans Kids


Welcome to the first it's kind - a lived-experience led conversation on Parental & Guardian influence, youth empowerment, and relationship cultivation. This course has been in development since 2020, when so many kids came out to families while enduring the first wave of COVID.

This informational & educational session is developed to illuminate the unspoken topics many providers must navigate when supporting trans & gender expansive youth (or learning how to). Providers of all walks are welcome - mental health, primary care, wellness etc.

We will discuss:

- Pandemic influence on Identity Emergence

- Parent & Guardian reactions to a child coming out (+ & -)

- Navigating beyond social transition with fearful or resistant Parents/Guardians

- Empowering Youth - Expedition: Identity

- Challenging Parent/Guardian situations

& more!

Zoom Link is sent out at NOON mountain standard time the -day of- the event.

We do NOT record courses in order to protect attendees privacy and host's proprietary material


We want to thank you for investing in a class/course/training hosted by a professional of lived experience. It is our pride to offer lived experience in every single educational opportunity with Kaleidoscope Heart - if you are interested in customized training, organizational material review, or public speaking event with us, please feel free to email us today:


-services available worldwide, in person & online - ____________________________________________________________________________________________

We also want to thank you for your interest in this event and your investiture for attending. We are proud to give back due to the community, we can do that thanks to you! A percent of every ticket purchase is placed toward our SURGICAL SCHOLARSHIP fund for our most at-risk trans & gender expansive community members. <3

Want to donate directly? Please contact me or donate through our 501c3 organization - Prismatic Project: https://pages.donately.com/prismaticproject/campaign/make-a-difference-2b5d4903d13e


Are you a healthcare or mental health professional attending? if you are in private practice, or working for an organization, please speak with your tax expert as the cost of attendance may be deductible as a business related expense.