What Will it Take? The Clearing Pt. 2


It's the second half of the year and it's time to share your progress. Join us for part 2 of The Clearing where we will continue exploring the question: what will it take for us to individually and collectively do the work our souls must have?

If you are someone who feels drawn to entrepreneurship and has experienced fear, uncertainty, or over whelm you are not alone. The Clearing is for you (Participation in part 1is not required to participate in part 2).

Join me and 6 conductors whom I admire for their courage to get out of the proverbial boat and go after their entrepreneurial dreams. In this day-long virtual gathering successful entrepreneurs who are also faith and community leaders will talk candidly about their pivot from conventional 9 to 5 jobs to the marketplace. Participants will gain strategies to overcome fear of financial instability, self-doubt and discern their next most faithful steps. In addition to two alumni participants will share their progress towards independence. Other beneficial information to be shared are business filings, funding resources and branding.

The Clearing, a digital hush harbor established in January 2022, is dedicated to radical truth telling, emancipatory self and communal love and collective thriving via spiritual praxis. We define entrepreneurship as a spiritual praxis and eagerly place Black women at the center of instruction. Like the historical land clearings curated by enslaved African men and women in America this will be a sacred meeting space used to help us see the North Star in each other.