Who The F**K Am I? -A Masterclass In Embodying Your True-Self.


Your true self is not something you BECOME it is something you already are.

We live in a society that judges, shames, ridicules, discriminates, and pushes for conformity all the time, so of course, we learn to conform, blend in, and fake it. It's natural! We do so out of protection, safety, and a need for belonging. However, when we do so for too long we lose sight of our own authentic thoughts, beliefs, opinions, ect. and we begin to identify as the thing we we're blending as. Our true self gets buried under the opinions of others, and the pressures of society and we end up feeling lost, stuck, and hopeless.

The true you is still in there, you know that, don't you?

Of course!

In this masterclass we will;

🏔️Explore what the true you looks, feels, and sounds like using a visualization exercise.

🏔️Explore the 'shadow' parts of you that you're embarrassed by or aren't really you.

🏔️Discuss 7 ways to start embodying and empowering your true self right NOW.

We will end the afternoon with an exploration into your subconscious (via hypnosis) to remove anything that may be blocking or hindering your authentic self from coming forward with confidence.

Because you're ready to feel CONFIDENT, MOTIVATED, and CONTENT with yourself and your life, I know you wont miss this workshop.

What's there to lose? Heck! BETTER QUESTION...What's there to gain?

$11 commitment fee