Wine Women Woosah-Women's Empowerment Virtual Meetup


Are you a woman that would love to add a sparkle of enjoyment to your life? Could you benefit from being in the midst of other like minded ladies? Did you know that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend most of your time with?

I'm Ralphann Forrest, The Confidence Coach and the Founder of Wine Women Woosah, a place for women to uplift each other, have fun and of course sip wine! For 30 years I have helped women look and feel their best and as a result feel empowered!

Beginning on February 27th, I will be hosting weekly virtual Wine Meetups. I will be sharing a word of encouragement and a fun business building tip, such as branding tips, camera ready makeup tips and much much more!

Then we will open the floor for questions. This is also the time to share your wins from the previous week or to simply share your goals/aspirations for the upcoming week. Plus sipping wine in the meantime!

These meetups are all about Women's Empowerment and all of the amazing things you do in your life and/or business. This is the support group you’ve been waiting for!

Each virtual meetup will have up to 10 attendees so the events will remain intimate and each guest will have an opportunity to share information about her business.

The cost is only $7 to attend each meetup and you can attend as often as you like. Spaces are on a first come basis. Once each meetup reaches 10 spaces you will be notified with the option to join the next upcoming meetup. Meetups will last approximately one hour and, I will be hosting up to 3 meetups every Sunday beginning at 2pm EST.

If you attend just 1 meetup a week that's $28 a month to enhance your well being and add a sparkle of enjoyment to your life! Plus get the training and support you’ve been looking for.

Imagine knowing that each week you have a little something extra to look forward to! Come and expect to be uplifted and you receive upliftment!

Here's to you becoming the best version of you! Cheers