Women's Healing Circle


We all have wounds. Wounds from our mothers, our sisters, family and friends.

As we grow older, these wounds sometimes bury deep into our subconscious. We find ourselves in competition. We no longer acknowledge or see that we don’t trust other women. We don’t understand why we don’t fit in, and we shut ourselves off from being vulnerable and even trying.

I’ve been hurt before... Betrayed. Lied to. Abandoned. Rejected. Made fun of. Stabbed in the back. Let down. Forgotten. Disrespected.

We all carry these stories, and we have participated in making others feel this way.

But these narratives have the ability to be rewritten.

The beautiful thing about women’s circles is that you see yourself in the other women, going through what you are or have been through, opening up and sharing vulnerably.

In this space, you can’t help but accept them for exactly where they are in their journey.

And in turn, you learn to accept yourself for exactly the same.

We don’t need to be enemies or fearful of one another. We can support each other and show compassion and empathy.

Women’s Healing Circles offer support, guidance, and a safe space to be heard for all women.

In each session, we explore a different topic around mental, emotional and spiritual health. Every Circle begins with the opportunity for sharing or coaching.

Circles are held twice a month on Mondays.

Held virtually via Zoom for an hour and a half.

Circles are small to foster connection and trust.

11am or 8pm

Eastern Standard Time

Upcoming Dates:

OCT 24

NOV 7 & 21

DEC 5 & 19

JAN 9 & 23

For more information: https://littlemoonwellness.com/women-s-healing-circles

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