Workplace Mental Health - Avoiding Mistakes, Complaints and Litigation


Language: English

Duration: 1 Day

Event Delivery: In Person

Course Overview:

How to implement a compliant workplace mental health policy avoiding the major litigation risks and ineffective practices faced by companies who are a few years ahead in the journey.

We will discuss the business of Mental Health in your Workplace and how your current strategies stack up. Together we’ll deep-dive into the business benefits of Mental Health Policy; protection from litigation, employee retention, productivity and the opportunity cost of replacing employees across the business due to Mental Health and Safety issues.

Course Contents:

Avoiding Litigation and Liability from your Workplace Mental Health policy.

Remedy Wellbeing has undertaken the most extensive study of “early adopters” of Workplace Mental Health policies to see what can be learned from their successes and challenges.

The findings have been profound.

A series of unexpected detrimental outcomes have occurred for most companies who have started their mental health policy implementation.

Mental Health in the workplace has moved forward quickly in the past few years. Spurred on by the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic, Governments and businesses worldwide have been progressing Workplace Mental Health initiatives supported by legislation changes.

As with many areas of rapid change, Mental Health at work has experienced teething problems with understanding, implementation and the rapidly changing circumstances.

We are here to present the findings of the study, which include a deep discussion of the problems being faced and the 7-step solution to prevent your organisation from incurring the same unforeseen liabilities, obligations and problems in the implementation of your Workplace Mental Health programs.

Course Topics:

This Workplace Mental Health policy, procedures, compliance and risks training course will provide you with the skills, knowledge and awareness necessary to rapidly implement an effective workplace mental health program.

  • An EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is NOT a Workplace Mental Health Program– Many companies believe having an EAP with counselling available is covering their Corporate Mental Health obligations. The 2 programs are very different. One is an employee job perk and the other is to protect the company and staff at work. This misunderstanding has left many companies facing risk and others are now in active litigation.
  • Workplace Mental Health compensation lawsuits – The rise of the Workplace Mental Health Compensation lawyer has begun. We are seeing the start of legal firms aggressively advertising for people “Mentally Impacted” through their work, to pursue compensation litigation. What to do about it and how to protect your company.
  • Anonymous Exit Interviews– Exit interviews are usually just a box-checking waste of time - however anonymous exit interviews can give you the information you need to protect your company from current and future risks and litigation.
  • Occupational Mental Health and Safety– Mental Health and Safety is equal to Occupational Health and Safety. Every task in your workplace needs to be risk assessed, corrected and documented. Assessing Psychological risk is a completely new skill set. There are 13 separate psychological risks to assess each task against. Be prepared and start work on your Occupational Mental Health and Safety protections.
  • Company-provided “Mental Health First Aiders” or Emotional Support Peers, these well-intentioned initiatives have caused some unintended negative consequences. One of the main findings has been that personal mental health communications should be removed from formal structured discussions in the workplace. We go into detail on how to externalise this function to protect your organisation.
  • Be a Friend, not a formality – How Mental Health conversations should occur in the workplace for the protection of the company and staff.
  • The Mental Health component of Critical Incidents in the Workplace – Identifying and then balancing conflicting demands and learning to appreciate what is important.
  • Full Liability identification – Ensuring all staff impacted by workplace events are offered mental health support, not just the obviously impacted. We will provide you with the framework to effectively identify all impacted.
  • The need for an Employer Assistance Program alongside an Employee Assistance Program - We explain the difference and the risks of not having both.

Course Features:

At the end of this workplace mental health training you will be able to:

  • Avoid all the major, but lesser known risks your company is facing regarding Workplace Mental Health
  • Follow the simplest path to have your program implemented quickly and cost-effectively
  • Understand when it’s best to implement your program externally
  • Make none of the mistakes that have been identified in the study
  • Follow the 7-step path to protect your company and staff in the workplace.
  • Protect and improve the Mental Health and Safety of your staff AND your company.

Who is this event for?

CEOs, Executives, Directors, VPs, Managers, HR department staff, Occupational Health and Safety team and Policy and Compliance team members.

Before the Event:

If you would like a Free Assessment of the specific risks your company is facing in terms of its Mental Health Policy, the new litigation threats and the 7 services you need to avoid them, sign up for a consult before the training

or call our Malta office on ph# +35 627 780 805

Let’s discuss the business of Mental Health in your Workplace and how your current strategies stack up. Together we’ll deep-dive into the business benefits of Mental Health Policy; protection from litigation to employee retention, productivity and the opportunity cost of replacing employees across the business.

We’ll give you actionable objectives that are unique to your business. Our consultations are for Senior Human Resource Officers, Operational Health & Safety and C-Level Executives.