Yoga Nidra to Cultivate Inner Fortitude


Zoom link will be sent out 1 hour before class.

Hosted by: Banyan Tree Women's Collective

Led by: Chantal Boyer of Bonjour Bellie Ayurveda

Yoga nidra (yogic sleep) is the practice of lying on one’s back while allowing the consciousness to flow into a state of enlightened relaxation. We live in a time of constant busy-ness where creating a sense of peace and inner fortitude is last on the to-do list, yet should be a priority. You do not need any prior experience and it is perfect for anyone who’s struggled with quieting a monkey mind in meditation. All you need is somewhere quiet and comfortable to lie down. The benefits I, and many others, have received are: a deeper sense of peace, inner fortitude, better sleep, enhanced intuition, a sharper mind, and more energy.

Please prepare a warm, quiet, and comfortable place to practice yoga nidra. Use the bathroom beforehand, even if you don’t think you need to. It is suggested that you are neither full nor ravenously hungry prior to this practice.You will be lying down on your back, either on a mat with some blankets underneath for padding and on top for warmth, or on your bed. Use a bolster, pillow, or a rolled up towel under your knees to alleviate lower back strain. Grab one more blanket than you think you need. Have a pillow or small towel to support your head and neck. Wear cozy socks. An eye mask is not necessary but dim lights are suggested. Let others know you will need to remain undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. It is totally normal and okay if you fall asleep. You may also like to keep a journal and pen nearby to write about your experience, as well as some water, for after we finish. Create some time and space to transition back into your waking state after our practice.

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Chantal is an Ayurvedic educator who resides and practices on unceded Ohlone land, modern-day Oakland, CA. She is a lifelong student and driven to share knowledge to remind people of their inherent wisdom through online and in-person interactive workshops and one on one Ayurvedic consultations (virtual), with support from her line of Ayurvedic herbs and spices. As a Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant she blends science-based facts with ancient traditions in easy to understand language. She’s an advocate for finding balance with local and whole foods in today’s modernized food system. Her mission is to empower people to make conscious choices to feel happy, vibrant, and alive. Chantal will meet you exactly where you’re at on your journey. She offers free 30 minute Discovery Calls ( Connect with her on her website: Instagram: @BonjourBellieAyurveda, or Facebook:

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