Young Adult Peer Support Group


Ages 18 ---> 20s - snacks included

What About Us? is a young adults supporting each other group.

Help other young adults, your peers, feel supported and valued!

Life has a purpose, what is yours?

We have two guidelines: respect each other and confidentiality - what is said in the group stays in the group

Join us in a safe and comfortable space to discuss, connect and feel supported in whatever it is you might be going through.

Rough relationships? We can help

Finding your purpose in life? We're here for that

Overcoming a struggle? We got you

Each week we'll discuss your needs and wants in life and how to get there!

Join us on Tuesdays at 5:30pm downtown Colorado Springs!

Hosted by Universal Education Foundation/Tami Urbanek

Find us on MeetUp too: MeetUp-Young Adult Group

Universal Education Foundation website