Zoom in on Childbirth - Class 4: All About the Drugs


In Class 4 - All about the Drugs, you'll learn about epidurals and find out how they can help or hinder your labor, and how to know when to get one.  You'll also have a chance to become familiar with other drugs that are available in hospitals, and what coping and support looks like when various drugs are a part of a labor.  

We know there are so many pre-recorded childbirth classes available - However, live teaching will always be our favorite because we love tailoring our classes to the people who are learning, we love being able to answer questions as they come up, and we know that connecting and learning from other parents is an extremely effective way for adults to learn.

This class is one in a series of ten classes. Take one or take them all. We obviously think taking them all is important and you can contact us if you'd like to purchase the entire series.

Our classes are fun, engaging, not scary, inclusive and queer friendly, and perfect for families who desire all kinds of birth preferences: unmedicated, epidural, cesarean, in the hospital or out of hospital. One of our previous attendees had this to say:

"Looking back at my birth experience, I think the most important aspect that made it a positive experience was that I felt very prepared going in and during the birth. This was my first baby and I was quite worried about being very unprepared. I had all the information I needed and I had tons of resources from the birth classes and emails and I felt confident while talking to the doctors/nurses and choosing next steps during the labor."

Read more reviews on our Yelp page and visit our website to learn more about your instructors at Silicon Valley Doulas.

To learn more about your instructors at Silicon Valley Doulas, visit our website at svdoulas.com